Aged Pu-erh: "Mei Shu Zi"

357gr disk 

Get 15% off when you buy any combination of 5 full cakes.  Use code "5cakes" at checkout.

Here we have a 32-year-old raw tea cake aged in Taiwan since original purchase.   

Interestingly, in 1992 this tea produced a bright yellow liquor but after Taiwan's extreme humidity and heat year after year, it has matured into a dark, crimson oily soup!

Did you notice that the font used in this Zhong Cha production is quite unique?   This 1992 edition is one of the only times it was used.   The name "Mei Shu Zi" (美術字) is used among Pu-erh aficionados in Taiwan to designate this tea and refers to the the font (literally "beautiful calligraphy").  It's a blend of Daye leaves and buds. 

This raw tea was naturally stored in Taiwan.  This means that it stayed in an indoor, non-climate controlled clean environment in Taiwan... for a long time! This gets good results but there is a "humid" character to this tea when they come directly out of Taiwan storage.   We prefer to let these cakes air out for several months in a dry-storage climate. Although it's perfectly good to drink right now if you don't mind a little humidity in the first few steeps.  

Oily and thirst-quenching, smooth with good mouth-feel.  

Extra note:  I just feel good drinking this tea.  With its smooth drink-ability, oily texture and pleasant taste, this has become one of my favorite teas.

Extra Extra note:  We only have one tong left here in the States, and four in Taiwan storage.  Then they'll be gone.