Try Cold Brewing Our Teas

June 20, 2022

Try Cold Brewing Our Teas

Have you ever tried COLD BREWING during Summer? It's an easy treat to cool you off from the heat. Here are a few tips:

1. Acquire for yourself some bottles of bottled water. I like the Ice Mountain 700ml bottles with the "Sport Cap" bottled water from Costco. It has a built-in strainer so you don't drink the leaves by accident. But feel free to re-use anything you have on hand.

2. Pour out a little water and add about a teaspoon of tea. I like Spring-crop balled oolongs like Lishan but pretty much all teas work. You can get Lishan HERE.

3. Put it in the refrigerator overnight (or wait 8-10 hours).

4. Strain it out into your favorite glass or drink it right from the bottle.

It's that easy! The only difficulty is getting the leaves into the bottle lol. Pouring balled oolongs right from the bag is easy enough but strip oolongs like Red Jade need a little care (put the leaves in one by one ;)  Get Red Jade HERE.

Keep it in the fridge for a few days no problem. If it's too strong add some water.

Oh wait! I forgot to mention Matcha. That's even easier. Just put in about 1/4 teaspoon of our premium Matcha, shake it like Tom Cruise and you've got a silky-smooth health boost that would make St. Patrick pround. You can get that tea HERE.

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