White Teas

2006 Yunnan Bai Mu Dan White Tea, $17.99 (2oz/56g)

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Remote Jinggu County in Yunnan Province is filled with mountains, forests and tea trees!  It’s an ancient tea producing area and home to many of China's ethnic minority groups.

While Jinggu is usually known as ground-zero for Moonlight White (Yue Guang Bai), this tea is a Bai Mu Dan, or "White Peony".  It's similar but not as bud-heavy and the processing is slightly different giving it a longer lasting after-taste.  

This tea was grown during the Summer of 2006 so it has been aging for about 15 years!  That's quite a lot for a white tea.  Each session with this tea can last a long time and generally, aged white teas have great staying power.  The soup is more mature with a strong accent on the base notes leaning more toward a Chinese medicinal quality.  

Although it was pressed into cake form, we are selling this tea already broken up for you in our regular 2 oz. bags.  Just open it up, take some out and you're ready to brew. 

Varietal: Da Ye Zhong

Pressing: 2017

Brewing: Aged White Tea is very forgiving and easy to brew.  Depending on your preference, a gaiwan, kettle, French press or simply drinking it Grandpa style all work.  Here are some parameters to get you started:    

Gaiwan: Use 5-6g of dry-leaf in your typical porcelain Gaiwan.  Hit it hard with boiling spring water (or fresh filtered tap water).  Start with steeps of about 10 seconds pouring out the soup through a quality strainer.  As your session progresses, add about 10 seconds for each successive steeping.

Kettle:  Kettle brewing is simply brewing it in your electric kettle or even on the stove-top in a stainless sauce pan (my preference).  Bring 2-3 cups of spring water (or fresh filtered tap water) to a boil.  Toss in about 5-6g of dry-leaf.  Turn down the heat to medium and let it roll around anywhere from 5-15 minutes with some occasional stirring.  Strain and let cool to drinking temps.  (You can also add fresh cold water and ice for really good iced tea in the Summer).

French press:  Using a French press is nice because it strains the leaves for you.   Use the same parameters as a gaiwan, or let it sit as long as you want.  Just look for color change and see how you like it. 

Grandpa style:  In your tea or coffee mug, use boiling water and 4-5g of dry-leaf.  When it’s cool enough you can start drinking.  I like to wait for about 5 minutes before I start drinking.  Slowly sip away as you work or talk with a friend.  When it’s half empty or so, just put in more hot water.  Continue throughout the day as long as the leaves deliver.  Aged White teas have a lot of staying power.